Banksia Lodge was subject to an unannounced re-accreditation site audit by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (Commission) from 3-6 March 2020. Three assessors attended over the three-day audit contact.

Following receipt of an initial site audit report and a detailed response being provided to the Commission, Banksia Lodge has been assessed as unmet in 6 of 42 requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards). The unmet requirements span Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers, and Standard 3: Personal Care and Clinical Care. 

Issues identified that contributed to the determination of the unmet requirements included two instances of chemical and/or physical restraint not being correctly administered, care plans not identifying resident specific objectives, residents and/or families not being aware of the ability to obtain a hard copy care plan and some gaps in response to post fall procedures. A full copy of the Performance Report will be available within 14 days on the Commission’s website.

The Commission have re-accredited Banksia Lodge for a further two-year period.

Management acknowledges the gaps identified during the site audit and have taken immediate action to address these deficits. A copy of the continuous improvement actions taken by Banksia Lodge will be provided to the Commission to demonstrate full compliance with the Quality Standards.  

Banksia’s Board of Directors and management are disappointed that full compliance was not demonstrated during the site audit. However, Board and management would like to acknowledge and recognise the tremendous efforts of staff over the last 12 months to deliver improvements in care, quality and services to residents. There were many examples in the site audit report of satisfied residents, robust systems and delivery of resident centric care and services. Staff were able to explain systems to assessors and demonstrated an outstanding knowledge of residents, their personal preferences and requirements and the dignity and respect shown to our most important stakeholders.