Banksia Villages recently welcomed Hannah Wellington in the key role of Director of Care.
Hannah brings to Banksia extensive clinical and leadership skills and experience, and a passion for person centred care.
A Registered Nurse, Hannah holds a Master degree in Clinical Leadership and Management and is currently studying a Master in Gerontology. She has worked in a range of challenging senior roles in aged care, including as Deputy Director of Nursing.
Most recently, Hannah worked with the NSW Government to promote and deliver person centred care across 25 government owned aged care facilities, a project that she found extremely rewarding.
The Director of Care role is vital to the smooth-running of Banksia Lodge, with Hannah responsible for all services provided by the Lodge in terms of respite care, residential care and in-home community care, ranging from support for daily living through to acute clinical care, dementia care and palliative care.
As part of the Executive Team and a member of the Board’s Care Governance Committee, Hannah leads all of the care services and other functions for the Lodge and Community Care teams.
Top of mind for everyone in the Aged Care Industry is the Royal Commission into aged care quality and safety, and Hannah is no exception. “Along with everyone else at Banksia Villages, I welcome the opportunity for an independent analysis and review” she said. “It’s vital that Banksia focuses on continuously improving services and facilities, to ensure that we continue to achieve the best health and wellbeing outcomes for our residents.”
In terms of her goals for Banksia Lodge, Hannah is keen to empower her team, to ensure they deliver the best possible quality care – a level of care that she believes everyone deserves.
Hannah is in the process of moving with her husband and two sons to the Broulee area from Mudgee, where she has lived for the past 10 years. Her boys can’t wait to join Nippers at Broulee Surf Club, and Hannah herself is eager to get back into bodyboarding – a sport she couldn’t enjoy in Mudgee!